
Thursday, March 27, 2014

You did what!?

Hey y'all!

Alright, I have been the absolute WORST blogger.

Life has been INSANE!

So, wanna know what I have been up to?


1. I started my internship with the Atlanta Silverbacks! I am so thankful and I absolutely love, love, love it! I have been extremely blessed to work with such a fun and positive group of people! The first home game is April 19th and I am so excited to cheer our guys on! If y'all are interested in coming out to a game please let me know! I kinda have the hook up!;)

2. Planning a WEDDING! I will be back to the Wedding Wednesday next week! I cannot wait to share all of the things that I have checked off the to-do list! Seriously, I have no idea how people plan a wedding without a long engagement! I am honestly envious of those who can pull it off! This sister needs TIME, y'all! 


3.  SCHOOL. I will not bore you, but lots and lots of homework/projects/test...blah.blah.blah.

I am that person who gets annoyed with a 97...
Sorry, I'm not sorry...
4. Getting ready for our vacation! We are leaving bright and early tomorrow for Dallas, TX to go to the SMART CONFERENCE 2014! Then, we are leaving Dallas to go to Las Vegas for a very important work event for Andrews' company! Y'all, I get to help! Eek! We are so excited to spend this time together and plan for our future! 

Well, we might have already made a BIG DECISION regarding our future...

5. Andrew and I are officially under contract for our FIRST HOUSE TOGETHER!

Yep, that will be our house in less than 30 days! (fingers crossed)

So, can anyone give me any suggestions on places to go in Dallas or Vegas?

Any advice on anything dealing with houses? LOL

Thank you for reading and supporting this blog! I am so thankful for each and every one of you that take the time to read it!

